Thirty Days

I have mentioned on more than one occasion about how I was invited by Christ to a deeper prayer life some years ago. I sensed a calling from Christ to follow Him deeper into prayer. What made this invitation interesting for me is that it didn’t come to me as a command, but as a desire from Christ. I wasn’t being pushed or guilted into anything— just invited.

And I wanted to go. There is a part of me that is drawn to the mystical. I love slowly studying the Bible and praying over it. I could spend most days doing nothing but praying. But you know what? I told Jesus “no.”

Why would I do that? Honesty. For once I was determined to be honest with Jesus and myself. I had made a million promises to Jesus and I hadn’t kept one – not one. It was getting embarrassing. Here was my usual “M.O.”: I would make a big pronouncement about my commitment, buy all of the books on the subject and for two weeks, I would be a committed as anyone you would have ever seen—for two weeks. Then, I would be back to my old habits.

It was getting a little embarrassing. So, for once, I was honest with Jesus.

“I would love to,” I said, “but I can’t commit to a deeper anything. I just won’t be able to do it. I will fail again, and I just can’t stand to make a big promise and not follow through again.”

I left it at that.

Then I got another invitation: “Can you do it for thirty days?”

Thirty days? I can do almost anything for thirty days. So I committed to thirty days – but no more.

After the thirty days, I committed to another 30 days. Then another. I have been following this deeper practice of prayer for over ten years, thirty days at a time. The first of next month, I will re-up again.

I know you want more from your pastor than this, but in reality, it’s all I have got. I can stay focused for about thirty days at a time.

Too many of us try to do too much at one time. We overload ourselves and fail to accomplish many of our goals – including our goals as disciples. Perhaps if we focused on shorter term goals, like thirty days, or this week, this day.

Remember, Jesus called us to follow, and He spent most of His time walking, one step at a time.

What step is He inviting you to take right now?

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