This Little Light of Mine

When I was seven years old, one of my fondest memories was sitting by a campfire at Kanakuk Camp while listening to my counselor tell us about the greatness of God. There was something about the fire against the darkness in the woods that made me feel warm on the inside, like God was near.

After I had grandkids, that phenomenon reoccurred. As I sat in the pantry with the lights turned off with my grandson Reed and lit a candle, I was reminded once again of that inner satisfaction of welcoming the light. Now I know why.

We were created to house “the light”. We were designed to experience God’s presence on the inside, and because He is light and we are made in His image, campfires and candles find a welcome sign on our heart’s door.

It was likely a sunny afternoon when Jesus ascended to the mountaintop to sit down. And why did He sit? That day he healed ALL disease, cured ALL the sick, and navigated ALL the massive crowds. No wonder He sat down! Amen?

Yet in that moment of sheer exhaustion, Christ looked up and guess what? Here came the disciples. I wonder if He murmured, Go away. I need a break! I know I would have, for sure. Yet notice how He greeted their arrival, “Rejoice and be glad. Let your light shine before men so others may see your good works and glory the Father who is in heaven.”

Jesus could have told those disciples anything at that moment – Keep the faith or pray fervently. But the highest thought on His exhausted mind was for them to make His Father look great – to SHINE, SHINE, SHINE… regardless of their own multitudes called interruptions, inconveniences, or impossibilities.

I love the original meaning for the word “let” in “Let your light shine.” It speaks of a deliberate, intentional choice: to “let” or “not let”. And why did Jesus encourage the disciples to rejoice, be glad, and shine? Because “great is your reward in heaven.” Matthew 6:5

Our life story contains two chapters. Chapter One – Here. Chapter Two – There. You and I need to seize the day and shine-shine-shine while we still have the time.  Remember the song we sang as a preschooler, This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Should we reword it now as an adult, My little light and song, ain’t gonna be here long.

So who will you hug today? What card will you send this afternoon? Where will you offer a meal tonight? NOW is the time to shine, for who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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