“She Believes in Me,” written by Steve Gibb and sung by Kenny Rogers, has the power to improve your marriage.
Wow! Is this is misleading statement designed as a catchy phrase to get you to read a blog post?
I’m not saying I’d never do something like it, but I’m not this time. I promise!
And, granted, the song itself can’t improve your marriage. Listen to it a thousand times and your marriage may not be any better.
But it’s the principle within the song, which if applied, I’d come close to guaranteeing it will work.
Years ago, I used to share that song on marriage retreats I led. Contained within it is one secret – one principle – which can dramatically change, maybe even save, a marriage.
Here are the lyrics, in case you don’t remember them:
(The bold emphasis is to make my point.)
While she lays sleeping, I stay out late at night and play my songs
And sometimes all the nights can be so long
And it’s good when I finally make it home, all alone
While she lays dreaming, I try to get undressed without the light
And quietly she says how was your night?
And I come to her and say, it was all right, and I hold her tight
And she believes in me, I’ll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl, I could change the world
With my little songs, I was wrong
But she has faith in me, and so I go on trying faithfully
And who knows maybe on some special night, if my song is right
I will find a way, find a way…
While she lays waiting, I stumble to the kitchen for a bite
Then I see my old guitar in the night
Just waiting for me like a secret friend, and there’s no end
While she lays crying, I fumble with a melody or two
And I’m torn between the things that I should do
And she says to wake her up when I am through,
God her love is true…
And she believes in me, I’ll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl, I could change the world
With my little songs, I was wrong
But she has faith in me, and so I go on trying faithfully
And who knows maybe on some special night, if my song is right
I will find a way, while she waits… while she waits for me for me!
End of song.
There it is.
Did you catch it?
It’s pretty simple. Inside the heart of every man is a desire to be respected, especially by the one he loves. When a man feels a high level of respect – from anything or anyone, he will do just about anything to earn it again – so he goes “on trying faithfully,“ as the song says.
I know. The woman needs respect, too. I know also, if she’s not receiving the love she deserves, it will be much harder for her to respect. I get it – I really do. It may not even seem fair to suggest what I’m suggesting – respecting anyone who doesn’t deserve respect. It would almost be like telling someone to love someone who doesn’t deserve to be loved or forgiving someone who doesn’t deserve forgiveness.
It’s radical talking. (Of course, Christians are called to love and forgive radically – just a reminder.)
I can’t help, however, pointing out something I’ve seen improve many marriages. When the woman makes even slight changes in how she respects – in the way she says things – the language she uses – the genuineness of her admiration – something changes in the man. Something good. He wants more of it.
And who knows, maybe on some special night, if his song is right, he’ll will find a way, while she waits, while she waits for him.
By the way, a note to my wife Cheryl: Thanks for believing in me – even when I don’t always believe in myself.