She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:3
If she knew the prophet’s name, she didn’t say it. If she considered what others would think of her seeking healing for her kidnapper and Israel’s enemy, it didn’t stop her. If she was insecure about the contrast in their position or power, it wasn’t cause for pause.
She may not have had all the answers or thought through all the repercussions, but this she knew. God is the LORD who heals. Her master Naaman was sick and needed the LORD. She had a message to share, and she would not be silent. She directed him to her God.
And it was enough. God used her to bring Naaman to Himself.
Not that it was a straight path. Although Naaman was directed to the prophet, he went to the king of Israel instead. When he eventually got to Elisha’s door, he was irate and insulted that the cure wasn’t in step with his terms and expectations. Through still more servants, he was persuaded to ditch his pride and dip in the dirty river. Healed inside and out, Naaman confessed, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel” (2 Kings 5:15).
As His messenger, have you ever had maybe thoughts?
Maybe I won’t have all the answers. Did the girl even know Elisha’s name? She said her master should see the prophet.
Maybe it’s out of place for me to say something. Naaman was a valiant solider, highly respected and a great man of the land. She was a mere servant, a young girl from a foreign country.
Maybe my words won’t make a difference. Her few words weren’t even spoken to Naaman. It was hearsay through his wife that initiated Naaman’s journey!
The little girl didn’t dwell on the maybes. She spoke what she knew and God did the work. Although she didn’t say the prophet’s name or know the path that Naaman would choose, this she knew . . . God is the LORD who heals.
Messengers God can use speak what they know about Jesus.
Send Me: Fill in the blanks. If only ____________, (my friend/sister/neighbor. . .), would see Jesus! He would ___________ (cure/forgive/provide . . .) his/her ____________. Will you go to this person and speak what you know?