Three Reasons I Was Afraid to Share My Faith

“He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

When I was in middle school my family decided to leave the church. I don’t recall all the reasons, but I do remember the day we were added to the Sunday Afternoon Visitation Committee hit list. A spot on the list guaranteed a Sunday visit from a couple of nice, older gentlemen in neckties and suits. For the five kids in my family, the routine was the same whenever we heard them drive up. Dive under the beds and hide quietly until their tail lights were out of sight. I wish I were kidding.

It took a long time for me to find my way back to church, but after fifteen years of running, I came to know Jesus. Finally I could understand why people were so passionate to talk about Him, but I had no idea how!  Maybe you can relate to why I kept my faith to myself:

1. I’m not an evangelist.

People like Billy Graham, Perry and Clayton King make it look so easy. Those guys walk in front of thousands, clearly explain who Jesus is, what He did for us and people get it. An evangelist would probably never leave a restaurant without leaving a huge tip and inviting their server to church.

If the thought of speaking to a crowd makes you hyperventilate, don’t worry. You have been given something no one else has- your faith story. Think about your life before Christ, how you met Him and how things have changed since then. Your story could be exactly what someone needs to hear today. Don’t forget the huge tip and invitation to or a service.

2. I don’t have the right words.

When the man walked into the Mexican restaurant, something told me he wasn’t from Anderson, SC.  He was wearing a cotton dress, makeup, and his hair was the color of a ripe watermelon. Casual conversation led to the indescribably cool color of his hair. He smiled and told me it was called “magenta.” I introduced myself, and found out his name was “Sparkle.” He was visiting from out of town, so I offered him a NewSpring Christmas invite card. The smile completely left his face with Sparkle’s next words. “Churches don’t usually like people like me.” I told him we would be honored for him to come to our church. There was no deep spiritual conversation, but I believe the Lord gave me the words Sparkle needed to hear that day. I hope he understands he is loved. Jesus probably would have paid for his quesadilla. I wish I had.

3. I might be rejected.

Have you ever invited someone to church or told them about Jesus, and they weren’t interested? Maybe they made you feel like a Sunday Afternoon Visitation Committee member? It’s tempting to give up when you feel rejected. Don’t give up. The good news is we are not expected to drag someone over an imaginary finish line of faith. You can trust God to do what only He can do--change a heart.

Although sharing our faith may be difficult, telling others about Jesus is the most loving thing we can do for a person who doesn’t know Him. Jesus is with you and has equipped you. Love those around you. Share your faith.

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