“Follow me, I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1: 17b
What does it mean to be “fishers of men?” It’s an unusual metaphor, but those first disciples connected with it immediately. As experienced fishermen, they knew what it took to catch fish: the right equipment, the right bait, the right location and plenty of patience. And just like fishing, sharing our faith with others requires the right equipment and motivation, the right location and plenty of patience.
Equipment: Think of the right “equipment” in terms of the Word of God, prayer, the church and most importantly, the faith to put belief into action –to share our faith journey with others.
Motivation: Just like fishermen need the correct bait to attract fish– Christians need the correct motivation. We need to attract non-believers and seekers, not repel them. We do this through demonstrating compassion and concern for the lives of others. We show a genuine interest and care so that over time, we earn the right to be heard on matters of life, values and even faith.
Location: Too many Christians spend the majority of their lives with other Christians. Just as fishermen don’t waste their time fishing in empty lakes, if Christians are going to share the good news of Christ with those who need to hear it – we must go to them!
Patience: The fact is, not everyone is interested in Christ. Sometimes followers of Jesus face rejection or even hostility to faith conversations and give up. Don’t forget the patience and perseverance both God and others showed you before you encountered Jesus.
If you’re worried about knowing what to say or when to say it– don’t worry. We never go out alone. The Holy Spirit guides us when to speak, when to listen and when to share parts of our story. We just need to be willing. Ask God for a boldness and a willingness to begin investing in the lives of those who don’t know Jesus. THIS is the greatest call followers of Jesus will ever know.