Time's Up

1 Samuel 2:27-36

For years Eli, the head priest, allowed his priest sons to live in open contempt of God’s worship. Their behavior was abominable as they used their position and authority to fleece God’s people and take advantage of women serving at the temple gates.

It may have seemed like God was not paying attention to these atrocities, but he was fully aware and eventually his patience ran out. Eli and his family had ample opportunity to repent and return to God, but God had waited long enough. God’s response: “Time’s up!”

Eli received a troubling message from the Lord, “The time is coming when I will cut short your strength and the strength of your priestly house, so that no one in it will reach old age. . .” (1 Samuel 2.31). God was going to end Eli’s lineage.

This passage serves as a warning to all of us. God regularly presents himself to us in Scripture as a gracious, loving Father (which he is!), but he also takes sin and rebellion very seriously. If you’re living in open rebellion to God, know for sure God is aware and cares deeply. He wants you to turn around, let go of your habit or rebellion, and step into the light.

Today, spend some time journaling a prayer of disclosure to God. If the Holy Spirit is prying at something in your heart, confess it to God in prayer and consider confessing to a fellow Christian. King David’s prayer in Psalm 139.23-24 is a great model of inviting God to search our hearts. Use his words to guide your own prayer.

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