When I was a sophomore in high school, I played football. My locker partner, Mike, was good at football. I was OK at it. We were in band together, too, so I knew Mike pretty well. He was the class clown, the one who always kept the band laughing and the football team going. Mike wanted to be significant. He wanted to mean something and be important to someone in his life.
One Monday morning, after one of our band concerts, the band instructor announced to us that Mike had taken his life over the weekend. I thought Mike had it together. He seemed to have all the things he needed in place—an athlete, a musician. He was funny, good looking, and the girls liked him. But something wasn’t right and he took his life. I regretted that, all those times that I was with Mike, I was never intentional about sharing my faith with him. Mike represents one of thousands of people today whose lives will end.
More than 6,800 people die every day in the United States. People who need to know Christ—people who, like Mike, are looking for encouragement. Maybe there’s a mother today feeling very discouraged. She’s trying to be a good mom but she’s struggling. Think of the person today who’s going through a divorce and desperately trying to make sense out of their life. They didn’t anticipate it. They didn’t look for it, but they feel like their life is over. Maybe you know someone like that today.
Every person matters to God—each one is significant.
That’s why Intentional Living exists. Our time is short, and we’ve got to make a decision about how we get up each day and choose to live. Will you intentionally share your faith with someone today?
Some ONE THINGS you can do to share your faith:
- Live your life knowing that others are watching.
- Do your best to show others what it means to live an intentional life in Christ.
- Show your commitment to God daily.
- Practice your commitment to God consistently by doing the next right one thing.
- Difficulty reveals the best (and worst) of our character. Remain determined to keep your Christian witness strong in the face of adversity.
How do you represent yourself and faith in the workplace?