While I enjoyed being a young Titus 2 woman (Titus 2:1–5), I entered into the "older woman" role reluctantly.
As a young woman, God allowed me to travel with Life Action Ministries in its founding years, where I absorbed and gleaned godliness and spiritual wisdom from the wives of our leaders—Judy, Donna, Sue, Charlene, and others. I grew in the Lord, in part, because of their consistent, authentic example of Christian living. But when it came time for that role to reverse—for me to be the model of godliness and to train younger women—I didn't think I was up to the task. I felt inadequate and afraid. I didn't think that I had enough to offer. I lifted my hands to God, but they weren't open hands of surrender. Rather they were hands putting God off, saying, "No, not yet."
Today I have a diverse ministry to women, teaching them truth and encouraging wise, godly choices. So what made the difference? A godly woman challenged me to pray for the women I wanted to influence for Christ. I did, but first I had to pray about my attitudes. I'd been trying to "serve" God with my own wisdom and abilities, and God had to change my proud heart and fearful thoughts. As I prayed, I realized that women were going to watch my life whether I liked it or not, but I could be the Titus 2 woman God designed me to be if I placed my confidence firmly in the Lord.
God's Spirit prompted me to pray for the women in my life at that moment, and my prayers were based on what He wanted for them according to Titus 2 and a few other passages. You can pray these prayers, too, and add other scriptures as God burdens your heart. For example, you can pray that God will revive your younger sisters in His ways (Ps. 119:37) and establish them so they will never be shaken (Ps. 112:6). Pray the powerful words of Colossians 1:9–11 over their lives.
As you consistently pray these Titus 2 prayers, your burden for your sisters' growth will increase, and then you can pray for opportunities to encourage that growth!
The Prayers of an Older Titus 2 Woman:
Father God, I pray that what I teach to others will align with your Word and sound doctrine (2:1).
Teach me to live in reverence, devout in my approach to spiritual service (2:3).
Help me live a disciplined, authentically Christian life in word and actions (2:3).
Show me how to give wise counsel and encourage my younger sisters in what is right and noble (2:3).
Help me teach my younger sisters to make wise choices based on sane, sober (disciplined) thinking (2:4; also 1 Pet. 3:3–4).
Make me an example of practical love as I teach young married sisters how to rightly love their husbands and children (2:4).
Because it is important that Your Word is never mocked, help me teach my young sisters the attitudes and behaviors of godly, right living—including self-control, purity, and kindness (2:5).
Help me teach (or encourage) practical homemaking skills (2:5; also Prov. 31:10–31).
Show me how to encourage my young married sisters concerning their role in marriage (2:5; also Eph. 5:22–24, 33; and 1 Pet. 3:1–2, 6).
NOTE: If you are a younger woman, pray that God will help you receive and grow through the instruction and example of your older Titus 2 sisters and that God will give you a younger sister so you can begin to pray these prayers for her!
This post was written by Dawn Wilson.