To the Best of My Ability

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize” (1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV).

It’s tough to run long distances. You might start with a great mind-set, believing you can pull through the race with flying colors. But as you get farther along, you get tired and just want to finish—no matter what place you end up in. You stop caring about the prize.

You and I often find ourselves falling into this pattern in our everyday tasks too. We start with the idea that we will do them to the best of our abilities, to glorify and honor God. But as we get worn down, we don’t care about the end result or if what we do honors God. I might start the school year doing my homework faithfully, but at the end of the year as summer vacation nears, I might struggle to finish the final worksheet. You might promise yourself that you will read your Bible or pray more, but after an incredibly long day, you might not care if you run the race to get the prize.

The good news is that the God who never gets tired forgives us through the tiring spiritual work that Jesus completed for us. He always lived for God’s glory, he ran the entire race to get the prize, and he always focused on the end result. Because we get the credit for what Jesus did, we keep on running.

Dear God, we know that you sent Jesus to renew and strengthen us. Thank you! Please help us complete our tasks as if always trying to get the prize. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


*This devotion was written by Karissa, a kid just like you.

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