Too Close to Sin

Scripture: Genesis 18:1-21:7 

We’re gonna talk about Lot. A rich lesson awaits us from his experience in Sodom. His story starts in Genesis 13. Lot and Abram are very wealthy in livestock at this point, but the land cannot support both their massive herds. Plus, they need to separate the herdsmen who are quarreling. Abram, in an act of great humility, allows Lot to choose first. He is no fool and selects the fertile land in the Jordan Valley in the direction of Zoar to relocate his family. Genesis 13:12, “Abram settled in the land of Canaan, and Lot moved his tents to a place near Sodom and settled among the cities of the plain.”

Scripture tells us that Lot settled in the land before Sodom fell to wickedness and corruption. At the time, the area was beautiful, like the Lord's garden. Yet as a result of war, what was once lovely and peaceful turned evil and immoral. Lot and his family are captured, but eventually Abram rescues them. However, even after the rescue, Lot returns to Sodom. Scripture doesn’t specifically tell us why Lot returned to Sodom. Perhaps the lure of the prosperity of the people and land. Whatever the reason, it was strong enough to subdue the effects of war and captivity..

The seduction of sin is subtle at first. We want to lean in—instead of walk away—when we overhear a private conversation. After all, it’s fun to know secrets. We glance around to make sure no one will see us if we click a link to a questionable website. The next day, temptation’s magnetic pull draws us to sin’s front door. Who can we share that juicy morsel of information with? What would it hurt to view that website just once?

Subtle becomes strong, and little-by-little we find ourselves camped too close to sin. We hover just near enough to feel its allure, but not sense its danger. Flirting with sin is dangerous. We risk forfeiting peace and security if we ignore our Holy Spirit’s warning. If we ignore our heart’s warning sin gives the false hope of fulfilling us, when it only ever leaves shame, hurt, or regret in its wake. Choosing to walk away from temptation, we discover true satisfaction in obeying the Lord.

Living too close to sin can:

  • Entice us to think that temptation is harmless. We must flee.
  • Make us desperate to do things we never thought we would do
  • Lure us to stay longer than we intend to and do things we never planned on.
  • Allow us to experience God’s dramatic rescue.
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