Too Many Socks!

The busy pace my family keeps shows up in the clutter around our house. Recently, I took a fall break and I cleaned—not something that usually makes my top ten list! Anticipating the amazing results from a focused effort fueled my energy. But where to begin? 

Every drawer, closet and cabinet needed to be sorted through and thinned down. I started with the clothes closets, going hanger by hanger and evaluating each item of clothing. In my daughter’s room, I held out each item of clothing to determine if the size worked. I also evaluated whether or not she would actually wear each item. I went through dozens and dozens of shirts and T shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts, dresses and skirts, costumes and night clothes that were all shoved in and piled away waiting their turn to be worn. 

As I made my way over to her chest of drawers, I yelled out to my husband, “I think these clothes have been breeding in here.” Naively, I tried to pull a drawer open with one hand. I quickly realized I would need both hands and a foot to brace the chest, pry open the drawer and avoid injury.

When the socks and underwear burst out of the drawer and a few fell to the floor, I said to myself, “I’m tired of this overabundance.” Immediately I caught myself feeling startled that I would actually formulate such a thought. I asked God to forgive me as I unloaded a pile of socks onto the bed. 

The rest of the day, as I was filling bags of clothing, I began thanking God for abundance—for blessing us, so that we could bless others. God changed my frustrated attitude and gave me a thankful heart, helping me to focus on those that may be able to benefit from our gently used items. I began wishing I could somehow follow these clothes to see who would be warmed and comforted by them during winter. With this thought, my fall cleaning took on a whole new meaning. 

Dear God, Thank you for your provision for my family. Give each of us grateful hearts, and also the vision to see how to share with others.

Written by Gayle Wright


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