Touchy Feely!

Romans 16:16

Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ send greetings.

There are multiple places in the New Testament where the Disciples urge Christians to greet one another with affection…with hugs and kisses. Not a “boy-girl” kind of kiss…but a loving peck on the cheek or the forehead. Not a long, intimate embrace…but a warm hug.

Is your family affectionate towards one another?

This is pretty easy when our children are young, but as they grow older and approach adulthood it can become a little awkward. SAY “NO” TO THAT! We serve a deeply affectionate and loving God and we should show that same kind of love to each other.

Dads: Hugging your son(s) is not wimpy…it’s loving and biblical! Our sons need to KNOW that we love them and physical touch is powerful proof. Our daughters need to KNOW that, too, and a physical touch reassures them of that, even more so than our boys. As they mature into young women, don’t back away! Don’t do the “Leaning Tower of Pisa” hug! That tells her there is something wrong with her. Get over the awkwardness and HUG HER…or some other man will.

Moms: Your sons might act embarrassed, but your affection reinforces their manhood and makes them feel worthy of a woman’s love. Your daughter’s need to maintain a special closeness to mom and physical touch helps to keep that bond tight.

Moms & Dads: Don’t be afraid to show affection towards one another in front of your kids! They may act “grossed out”, but it provides them with a great model as well as a sense of security.

APPLICATION: Exchange hugs all the way around! Finish with a group hug and prayer!

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