True and Just

Revelation 16

The seven bowls of God’s wrath are poured out by the seven angels. Many will say, “It’s not fair.” God’s judgments are true and just.

  • The first bowl is poured out on those who have the mark of the beast and worship his statue. These are the enemies of God, those who live in rebellion toward Him. Their skin breaks out with malignant sores.
  • The second bowl turns the sea blood red and kills everything in it.
  • The third bowl turns the rivers and streams to blood.
  • The forth bowl causes the sun to scorch everyone with its fire.
  • The fifth bowl plunges the kingdom of the beast into darkness causing the subjects to grind their teeth in anguish.

In spite of these horrible judgments, the people did not repent and turn to God.

Armageddon – the Sixth Bowl

When the angel poured out the sixth bowl filled with God’s wrath, the Euphrates River dried. These opened the way for armies from the east to march westward without hindrance. Demonic spirits were sent out to gather all the rulers to a place called Armageddon to battle against the Lord.

Jesus warns that He will come unexpectedly, but blessed are those who watch for Him. If you are a believer, His coming will not take you by surprise. As Paul wrote, “…you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day will surprise you like a thief in the night. You are all sons of light and sons of the day” (1 Thessalonians 5:4, 5).

It is Finished!

When the seventh bowl was poured out, a mighty voice from heaven shouted, “It is finished,” the exact words Jesus cried out from the cross. God’s wrath had come to an end. The impending battle at Armageddon never took place. With a word the rebellion was squashed. Thunder crashed, lightning flashed and the earth shook. Babylon drank the cup of God’s wrath. Islands disappeared. Mountains were leveled. Hail fell from the sky. Yet the people still cursed God.

Revelation for You

Do you know that you are a child of light and no longer in darkness?

How did you picture the battle of Armageddon? Can anyone ever battle the Lord?


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