True God and True Man

Mark 4: 35-41


When we look at the Lord Jesus, what exactly is it that we see? “True God and true man” is the answer given by the ancient church, and hundreds of pages have been written to explain exactly what that means. That was not Mark’s chief purpose in writing his gospel. But in the next few chapters, Mark does provide us with many incidents that offer glimpses into Jesus’ unique nature. He shows us the way Jesus, like no other man, was able to bring the earthly and the spiritual together.

In the story of Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41), Mark shows us the humanity of our Lord Jesus. We must never think of the humanity we see every day as being normal, for we are not truly human, not in the way we were intended to be. We are fallen humanity, a very great difference that taints every aspect of our lives. If we think of Christ as a demonstration of what humanity was created to be, then we will see all that we are by contrast in its weakness and sinfulness. What a humbling realization!


  • Explain what it means that Christ was fully truly God and truly man.
  • Is it important that Christ was truly man? Why?
  • How does Mark 4:35-41 exemplify his humanity and his deity?


  • Read Philippians 2:1-11


  • Pray in gratitude that God sent his son to take on flesh, being fully God and Fully man, which enables Christ to empathize with humanity and die for our sins.


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