Trust God’s Plan

In order to start new things, you need to rest in God’s work. Resting in God’s work is a difficult oxymoron to follow.

Do you experience fear or anxiety before you accept God’s plan and timing? Yes? I want to share some encouragement with you.

“We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” –Isaiah 64:8   

God is active in your life. As a potter, God is molding your life for His glory.

God is shaping all aspects of your life: emotional, physical, spiritual, and professional. Often, we doubt the artist.

We look at how messy the wheel is turning and question what the finished product will be. Instead of doubting, surrender to the artist.

Why? If you don’t surrender, you’ll strive. Striving leads to stress. Take my word for it. Yes, we have to “do” things to move forward and grow in life. However, when the day comes to an end and we’ve done all that we can do, it’s best to trust the artist at the wheel. You’re not in charge of making your purpose turn. God is the one working. Despite a lack of control, we can rest assured that our artist is faithful.                                                            

A creator who designed the sky, birds, flowers, animals and all the other aspects of nature and beauty made me!  He made you! God will create a beautiful story out of your life. If you can trust the maker of a universe, then shouldn’t you trust the maker of your life? Sometimes you do. Sometimes you don’t.

I know so because my trust often sways back and forth like trees in a windy season. Whatever the case, God will give you grace to deal with the windy seasons of life.

Surrendering to the creator of you will create a new life. When you surrender to the supreme artist, you realize the plans you have are not yours to control, they are God’s to manufacture.

You are the clay and He is the potter. Trust Him.

Let the cry of our hearts be — “Make Me Father.”

Let us give up control and say, “Make something beautiful out of my circumstances- whether emotional, physical, spiritual, or professional. Make something radiant out of the ashes, mud, and dust.”

Here’s a visualization that is similar to the beautiful plans God has for your life:

Imagine throwing a bunch of ashes into a grassy field. Let the ashes spread out like a blanket across the trails, falling between several piles of rocks. As the ashes transform into seeds, visualize flowers springing up in every direction.

What’s the lesson from the vision?

Spread your stories upon your fields, no matter how dark or dusty they appear, and you will be awestruck at the beautiful beginnings that burst forth from your pit. From the soil and mud, God creates captivating art, and all you have to do is surrender to the artist.

Let the cry of our hearts be—“Make Me”—for you are a wondrous and miraculous maker.



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