Turning an iPad into an Intercessory Prayer List

The most effective prayer plan is the one you will use. What I know: If you do not have a plan to pray, usually you will not pray consistently and effectively.

So, what is your prayer plan? If you do not have a plan that helps you stay current, on task, and specific, then I suggest you consider trying this one.

Your iPad and prayer

Your iPad came with an App called Notes. I have turned my iPad into an intercessory prayer list through the Notes App. Obviously, if you have an iPhone, it will sync with your iPad, providing you accessibility on either device.

Why I use my iPad for prayer

1. Simplicity: The Notes App is very simple to use. Access to my iPad and saving my prayer list on the Notes App is very simple. Simplicity usually increases usability.

2. Change: It is simple to change this kind of electronic prayer list. It is simple to adjust any part of the list or all of it.

3. Relevance: In the past, a challenge of using a prayer list has been keeping it current and relevant. With the Notes App, I can easily keep my list current. Just today, I have already updated my list twice. I adjusted it early this morning after hearing that someone’s condition had changed and then I quickly added someone to my list upon hearing about a need during a meeting. A current, relevant prayer list increases your usability of such a list.

What is on my daily prayer list?

I have used all kinds of prayer plans through the years. Nothing keeps me more focused, on task, and effective in prayer than a current, relevant prayer list.

For decades, I have begun each day with a personal time with God. Because of this, I have grown spiritually through the years, and my desire is that the Holy Spirit will navigate me through this list each day as He so desires. As with any plan for prayer, it always needs to be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

My daily prayer list is lengthy; therefore, I will only share a few of the commitments I have in daily prayer.

Personal preparation: Daily, I make myself available for God to prepare me to pray. I spend moments praising God, followed by moments thanking God for what He has done for me. I then move into a time of spiritual evaluation, confession of sin, and acknowledging His finished work on the cross for forgiveness of my sins. From this point, I approach God asking for His spiritual covering and armor upon my family and me. I call out the names of my family, asking God to put on His armor of protection upon each of us.

Filling and anointing of the Holy Spirit: I believe in the filling of the Holy Spirit daily and even momentarily. While I do not understand fully the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I know I need God’s anointing upon my life and in everything I do. I ask God to anoint me for preaching, teaching, leadership, decision-making, vision, writing, relationships, and with His gladness.

Empowerment to walk in the authority of the Great Commission: I believe in the Great Commission and committing the rest of my life to do everything I can so that each person in the world is told about Jesus Christ. Therefore, I pray for God to give me the authority to personally fulfill it; pastorally, in leading my church; and globally, through writing, sending, speaking, and influencing others to reach the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Asking God for a mighty spiritual revival in my church and in America: I believe God wants to send a mighty revival upon His church and ignite a spiritual awakening in America. I plead with the Lord, asking Him to pour out His Spirit upon us powerfully.

Asking God’s leadership upon the leaders of our nation: I believe in praying for the leaders in our nation. Daily, I call out the names of our President, Vice-President, my state Governor, our state’s Senators, our Congressmen, as well as the Mayors of the four major cities in our region of Northwest Arkansas. Additionally, I am praying already for God to raise up His next Governor for our state and His next Senator for our state.

Asking God for wisdom and favor upon the leadership of our region: When the economy really turned sour years ago, I began to pray for forty to fifty leaders in our region who help shape the financial future of our region, even our state, some in America, and a few globally. Therefore, I keep this list current and for several years have prayed for some of Northwest Arkansas’ prominent leaders by name.

Asking God to provide healing and restoration upon people who are ill and those who have lost loved ones: Prayer is powerful and we need to believe God to heal people. Some need it physically, others emotionally or mentally; however, no one can bring healing like God Himself. This list is very current and keeps me accountable to pray for people with major needs. As soon as I hear about them, I place them on this list, with 90% of these people never knowing I do it, unless I tell them.

There is much more, but enough for now . . .

There are many more things I work through in prayer daily. However, this gives you some ideas about how to transform your iPad into being an Intercessory Prayer List.

Try using this, I really think you will like it

Its simplicity, usefulness, and relevance will be refreshing to you. Plus, do not forget, it can change easily as the Spirit of God leads you.

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