What is the riskiest thing you’ve ever done?
Wait. Don’t answer that question.
Answer this instead:
What’s the one risk you wish you’d taken?
Looking at all the should-haves, could-haves, wish-you-mays, and wish-you-mights—what would you do if you had the chance? Audition for the lead in a musical? Jump out of an airplane or into the open arms of someone asking for forgiveness? Champion a cause? Believe every woman is a leader and discover just how far your influence reaches?
So often we consider risk only from the viewpoint of the worst that can happen: We might get hurt. We might fail. We might embarrass ourselves. We might be criticized.
So many reasons not to risk.
As moms, we know risk is more than the sum of all the things that could go wrong. Moms should be the best risk-takers. We cheer as our children take one risk after another. Their first steps. Their first day at school. Their first time at bat. Their first time to fall in love. Their first job interview.
Maybe this is why moms are good leaders. Intuitively, we turn risk upside down. Risk isn't managing all the possible wrong things that might happen. Every mom wonders if her child will be safe when he goes to summer camp. But then, she hugs him and waves goodbye as the bus pulls away. Why? Because she knows the risk is worth all the good things that can happen.
How does your leadership style change when you ask, What’s the best thing that could happen? Instead of hesitating to share the Gospel, you experience fewer anxious moments as you plan an Easter outreach. Instead of avoiding that mom who seems so different, you get to know someone who expands your worldview.
If God called you to leadership, He called you to risk. Think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was just a teen mom. She risked her reputation to fulfill God’s purpose for her life. Chosen of God. How miraculous—and how frightening. So many things could have gone wrong. People might think she was no better than a harlot. Her betrothed might abandon her.
But so many things could go right, too. The Son of God could live among us and die for us, reconciling us to God.
Our limited perspective sees uncertainties. But one thing is certain: God is sovereign over everything we are unsure of. God is all-knowing, caring and gracious. While we can’t comprehend God’s thoughts (Romans 11:34 & 1 Cor. 2:16), we must remember what He is doing—what He calls us to do—is right.
Written by Beth Vogt