When I get to heaven, after I see Jesus, I am hunting down Cleopas. I can’t wait to meet this man in person. When I think about the thrill of the risen Christ, Cleopas, my buddy, comes to mind (at least, he feels like a buddy). I’ve imagined myself in his shoes hundreds of times over the encounter he had with Christ while he and a friend walked the road to Emmaus.
Remember the story?
Jesus had risen but had not yet ascended to His Father. He still had Kingdom work to do before His final deploy from this planet. Imagine the surprise when Jesus met these travelers on the road and Cleopas looked at Jesus with drooped brows and chastised, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things that have just happened here?” (As if to say, “You big dummy!”) Apparently “the big dummy” began to impress them as He quoted all kinds of Scriptures while traveling the road.
So Cleopas invited Jesus to dinner, and even to spend the night. Then Cleopas did his newfound friend a BIG favor. He asked “Him” to say the blessing. Can you imagine? Jesus at your table saying the blessing while you nonchalantly bow your head and yawn after a hard day’s walk?
As Jesus broke the bread, Cleopas’s eyes were opened, and He recognized the glean in Jesus’ eyes. After all, they’d been too busy talking on the road for Cleopas and Jesus to have a stare down.
And here’s the part I want to ask Cleopas. What was it like when you fancied in your heart that this man, the “big ol’ dummy” was the Christ? And what did it feel like when your heart leaped for joy only to witness Him vanish before you?
Today I join Cleopas’ joy. He ran into town, pounded on the upper room door yelling, “He’s alive! He’s alive! We’ve seen Him. He’s alive!”
My friend, He is alive! And although I have not literally SEEN the Christ, I have literally witnessed His presence. Yes, His Spirit is alive in me and all those who believe. I’m especially encouraged by Jesus’ last words recorded in Matthew. It’s a comforting Easter message, a proclamation assuring us that the resurrection would forever grant us a life partner where we’re never alone. Jesus promised, “And I am with you ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.”
Jesus is alive this moment, and His presence never leaves my side!