Two Really, Really Important Questions

I’m about to ask you two of the most important questions of your life.

How you answer these two questions will have an impact on you, your family, those you influence at work or school, and future generations. These questions will lay the foundation of the legacy you will live and leave.

You ready? Here we go:

Question #1 –“How do you want to be seen in ten years?”

Question #2 – “What do you want to be known for?”

This is how I answered question #1:

  • I want to be seen as a man that loves the Father, Son, and Spirit more than anything else in the universe. 

  • I want to be seen as a man that fought for the heart of his wife.

  • I want to be seen as a papa that fought for Presley and Jeremiah’s heart as I served and equipped them to glorify God in life.

  • I want to be seen as an apostolic, pastor-leader that loved, served, and equipped Transformation Church to make God famous in remarkable ways.

  • I want to be seen as a man of great faith that embodied the Gospel and inspired others to unleash their God given talent for His glory.

This is how I answered question #2:

  • I want to be known for launching a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, mission-shaped church movement through Transformation Church.

  • This will include TC having multiple campuses with multiple thousands of members with multiple church plants domestic and internationally.

  • This will include founding and developing a network that trains multiple thousands of pastors in multi-ethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped churches.

Why should we wrestle with these questions? Because they give us vision.  And a vision of your future will determine the decisions you make today. And the decisions you make today will pull your vision of the future into your present reality.

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