Psalm 104:33-35
I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” (Psalm 104.33).
Here the songwriter hopes to be captivated by God’s creation till the day he dies, to live a life that’s defined by ardent worship of God. Can you imagine being 75 years old and still brought to tears at the sight of a perfect sunrise or overwhelmed with the God’s majesty displayed in the mountains?
Somewhere in life, it’s easy to lose our childlike wonder in God’s creation. We begin to laser-in on retirement plans and financial independence. The writer of Psalm 104 hopes to never lose his wonder. Indeed his desire is that he would praise God all the days of his life.
This doesn’t happen by accident. One practice that trains our heart to worship God is having a consistent “Chair” time—allowing God to speak to your heart through reading his Word and responding to him in prayer. While your time in the Chair might not seem “life-altering” immediately, don’t underestimate the life-defining power of daily quieting your soul to hear from God and responding to him in heartfelt worship.
So today, if you haven’t already done so, seek to establish a plan for reading and responding to God’s Word every day. Consider using a Bible reading plan to guide you through the whole Bible each year.