It’s been about a month since I wrote a post about unfulfilled dreams. Reading through it again, my heart echoes “yes”, but this nagging hasn’t left since I put it up. I don’t think it’s a complete post. It’s true, yes, but there’s more. A couple of my friend’s reminded me of that truth when I posted it, and they’re words have not left my heart. So I must finish the thought...
Unfulfilled dreams. We all have them. No matter what season you are in, how old you are, what your life experience has been (or not been) we all are left with at least one unfulfilled dream. We all are waiting for something, or someone.
And although the waiting is painful, and at times we feel like we can’t go one more minute, it’s good.
Not happiness good, but for our very best good. A good that will build our character.
It draws us to our Savior.
It beckons us to come to His feet.
To find Him.
To be in His strong embrace. And isn’t that the gift? Isn’t that the root of what we’re all waiting for? Jesus. The Lover of our Souls. The only One who can fully satisfy, fully fill us up. He alone is the one who gives us freedom, grace, and life. He is the ultimate filling. The ultimate hope. The ultimate life-giver.
When we are in Jesus, we are rich. No, not material rich, but overflowing with life, hope, and joy rich. We have all we need, really. And at the end of our days, we will be before Him, and all else will fade away. He is the culmination.
“God gives God. He withholds no good thing from you. And the good things in life are not so much health, but holiness; not so much riches in this world, but relationship with God; not so much our plans, but His presence- And He withholds no good thing from us because the greatest things aren’t ever things. He doesn’t withhold Jesus from you. Christ is all your good, and He is all yours, and this is always all your miracle.” ~Ann Voskamp, The Greatest Gift
Breathe it in. God gives God, and this is all our good.
He is at your door, wanting to come and be with you, to be yours forever.
The things that we long for--a relationship, marriage, children, college degree, direction, a home, community--those are all good things, sweet things to pray for and lay before the Lord’s capable and powerful hands. He knows your heart and is a God that does the impossible. He longs to shower you with His gifts.
But we must rest and rejoice in the foundational truth first: that He is the best gift. We have Him, and everything else flows from Him. All other things are blessings, but we have the essential. We have the ultimate. We are His, and He is ours, and there truly is nothing sweeter.
As a Father, He tells us to come to Him and ask, seek and knock. {Matt.7:7} But I’m reminded today to not overlook the relationship that He is our Father -- we have a Dad, one who unconditionally loves us, is with us, and is for us. We are in the family, secure and free. And His forever.