Many kids have problems at school when other children pick on them because they are different. It happens even more to us, children who know Jesus, when we don’t want to participate in things that we know are wrong. But we should remember that the only opinions which matter are our parents’ and God’s.
God made each and every one of us unique. And followers of Christ should be even more different because we should have a special light shining through us to make people want to know Jesus. Can you believe that there is not one person in the world that is exactly like you? And, there is no one with the same fingerprint as yours?
God created all of us to tell others about Him and his glory. We need to act like Jesus in order for people to want to be like us as followers of the Almighty God.
God does not want us to be like the world. He wants us to live for Him so that people can look at us and think “Why are they not doing this?” and “Why are they acting that way.” By acting like believers, we can change the world! And we can start even as little children.
So, the next time that someone is mean to you because you are different, or refuse to act like them, remember that God made you unique. No matter what anyone thinks, to Jesus you are the coolest kid at school! Jesus is crazy about you!!
Why don’t you take a moment to pray and thank God for making us different than the rest of the world. This week, tell one of your friends that they are unique and that God loves them just as they are.