Unwavering Truth

The question for most of us isn’t whether God’s promises are true—in general. The question is whether they are true for us—personally. We wonder how specific they are, whether we can legitimately apply them to our current needs. We suspect that with every promise there’s some biblical version of fine print in the margin—some situational or cultural exception, some caveat that says “this isn’t for you,” some condition we haven’t yet fulfilled. We can talk ourselves out of almost anything God wants to give.

God’s word through Balaam—in spite of the prophet’s significant flaws—pointedly answers those who question his truth: God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19 NIV). That was a discouraging word for Balak, an enemy of Israel who wanted God to forsake them. But it’s profoundly encouraging for us. God watches over his words to fulfill them. He does what he says.

God’s promises aren’t meant to be obscure, indecipherable, or laden with difficult conditions. They are meant to be open and accessible. Trust him. Ask him to make them real and tangible in your heart and mind. Let your spirit believe them. Enter into the fulfillment he offers.



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