VBS for Mommy

Last week my younger two children attended a vacation bible school that really moved me. I was excited to hear about what they had learned that day and what crafts they had made that pertained to the daily Bible verse.  After attending the entire week, I realized that the lessons and Bible verses they learned–I needed a reminder of these simplistic life lessons of Christianity.

“I love you, Lord; you are my strength”Psalm 18:1.

When I am tired at the end of the day, week, or month–I am extremely susceptible to my depression kicking in.  Although it is scientifically just a chemical imbalance, I find that when I am tired and drained of every ounce of strength in my body–that is when it hits me hardest.   I must remember to turn to Jesus during my valleys of depression and read inspirational verses that I can repeat over and over in my head.

“So encourage each other and build each other up”—1 Thessalonians 5:11.

As a mother of three, I am constantly aware that I have a middle child.  I try to make sure that he is never passed over because he’s not the oldest or the ‘baby’.  Rather, I try to point out his incredible artistic abilities and gigantic heart.  Although I openly share compliments with all my children, I try to really focus on my middle man because he is so sensitive. I hope that my other two kiddos can realize just what a little compliment or hug can do for someone’s entire day.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything”Philippians 4:6.

I am also a chronic worrier. I fight this fear every day so that I may try to live a more meaningful life (and my family too). This verse reminds me of a song I learned back when I was a child attending church, “I Cast All My Cares Upon You”.  If you don’t know it here are the lyrics:

“I cast all my cares upon you,

I lay all of my burdens down at your feet.

And anytime I don’t know what to do,

I just cast all my cares upon you.”

After singing this out loud (sorry kids! As I am tone deaf…) and focusing on literally giving up a certain worry I have–I feel like mountains have been lifted off of my shoulders.  I should definitely do this more often…

“Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock”Isaiah 26:4.

During the housing economy crash, I lost my job.  Actually, three jobs.  It was a very hard lesson, but I have learned that God will always always always provide for my family. When times get rough (or when the car starts leaking oil. Again.) I know that God will get us through this next hump in our life and will show His grace upon our household.

All these life lessons are so simple; it seems silly to be able to forget them. Now that I have two ‘parrots’ repeating everything from their VBS songs and lessons, it will be much harder this time around.

Written by: Jenny Gillespie  


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