Victim of Grief

But You, O God, do see trouble and grief; You consider it to take it in hand. The victim commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless (Psalms 10:14, NIV).

As a victim of grief, we must commit ourselves to God. A victim is a person who is hurt or harmed by something or someone. Loss hurts; loss can harm. Loss can trouble us and leave us in a place of sorrow and heartache. Our anguish will never see its end if we refuse to commit ourselves to the Lord.        

Committing ourselves to the Lord involves entrusting Him with our pain, handing our unanswered questions over to Him, and assigning ourselves to His care. Entrusting God with your pain is simply being honest with Him.  He knows how you are hurting. He longs to comfort you, but that comfort will escape us if we are not honest about our feelings. Some try to disguise grief; some try to avoid it. We need to know that our pain does not make us faithless or less of a Christian. Pain is a normal emotion. We can entrust Him with our pain.      

We must also be willing to live without all of the answers we may like to have. Living by faith is living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; sometimes, we must be content with God’s Divine plan even when we do not understand it. The Word will comfort us as we abide in it and those questions will become less essential as faith takes over.    

As you are mourning, you must assign yourself to His care. Assigning yourself to His care is nothing more than abiding in His Word. When we assign ourselves to someone’s care in the natural, we are placing ourselves in their hands. We are lodging where they lodge; we are depending on them. As we abide in the Word of God we will begin to depend more and more on Christ; this is the key to the transformation from victim to victor. Place yourself in His care; abide in His Word! 

Our God longs to comfort us. He longs to help us; however, we must receive what He is offering. Let God help you; commit yourself to His care. 

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