Walking with Jesus

You have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.  – REVELATION 3:4

John, the Apostle of Love, compliments the few among the church in Sardis who have remained pure in the face of impure peer pressure. This remnant was just enough spiritual salt to preserve a dying body of believers.

The church in Sardis was not persecuted because it was in a spiritual coma. Scripturally incoherent and void of prayer, these church attenders were not a threat to the enemy’s strategy to silence the church...but the few who really knew God walked with Jesus.

Is your walk with the Lord contingent upon circumstances, or does it transcend all situations? It’s not enough to just go to God when the going gets tough. Your spiritual health needs attention at all times.

Consistently walk with Jesus on the level stretches of life. Hold His hand on the downhill steps of success—then you will be better prepared to persevere in prayer while climbing up the steep hills of adversity. During treacherous ascents, Christ pulls you up by the secure ropes of radical trust. Perseverance requires one step of faith at a time.

Remember, too, that you are God’s seasoning for the salvation of souls. Some within your church congregation are not saved. Your greatest mission field may be those you worship with on Sunday morning. Look for opportunities to initiate friendships. Invite acquaintances into a small group to study the Bible. Walk with others through life, so they can also grow in their walk with Jesus.


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