Around our house, Ann made a little chore organizer, or tracker, that hangs on the refrigerator. It is a little felt square with pockets. One pocket is labeled TO DO and the other, DONE.
In the TO DO pocket are blue and yellow Popsicle sticks labeled with the chores our children are expected to do. When the chore is finished, the blue stick is moved to the DONE pocket so that Mom and Dad can see our kids' progress. By keeping the organizer in a visible place, it is also a form of accountability. If the Popsicle sticks are still in the TO DO pocket on the day the chore was supposed to have been completed, then it hangs there as a reminder that it is still an outstanding obligation.
A key financial lesson for our children is discipline and accountability, and believe me, that is no easy chore for the parents to accomplish! However, we found this little tool to be helpful to minimize arguing and complaining. The yellow sticks are a reminder of what has to be done and the blue sticks are evidence of success. It is important to set up a reward system for good behavior. It may be simply praise or a treat or an allowance. Regardless, remember that what gets rewarded gets repeated. We used this little organizer from early ages up through the mid–teenage years. Ann would argue she still needs one for me – let’s not go there today.
Daily disciplines are the foundation for their future success. Make every effort to instill in your children the need to be faithful with all their responsibilities.