"Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." - Matthew 9:38
How does the Lord suggest we gather plenty of workers to do His work on earth? He simply tells His followers to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out harvesters to share their faith in Jesus Christ with people who don’t know Him personally. Prayer is the starting point.
Now, some of you are thinking, “Thank goodness! I’m off the hook! I just have to pray about it! I don’t have to get involved, serve and take part in the harvest. I’ll just pray!” Does Jesus let us off so lightly? Not really. Jesus knows that when we begin to pray for harvesters, the scales will be removed from our eyes. He begins to reveal the world He sees. Then we’ll begin to see the people around us as He sees them. The Holy Spirit then convicts us to love them and pray for them to come to know Him. Over time God may use us to be the harvester.
So, when you begin to pray for the harvest, beware! God will open your eyes and you’ll be convicted of the needs all around you. He’ll transform your heart into the heart of a harvester.