Want to Know About the Blessing Game I Invented?

When Jason and Sara were in elementary school and I was a single mom, we’d play this game. Before I let the kids out of the car, I’d give them an invisible blessing. They would reach out, touch my fingers and receive the blessing.

And what was this imaginary blessing? The children understood it to mean a special goodie from God: His presence, His love or His guidance in helping them to make good choices for the day. Whatever it was, it was a GOOD THING from their Heavenly Daddy and they wanted it.

One morning I dropped Jason off at school. He ran back to the car in a panic to stop me before I exited the parking lot. I saw him sprinting across the grass for dear life. The thought crossed my mind, Good grief, Pam, you forgot to pack his lunch; however, when I rolled down the window, he panted, “Mom, you forgot my blessing!”

Even children understand the concept of receiving a tidbit of God’s favor. For my children it was an invisible game, but as I got older, I saw this little “Blessing Game” as a visible way of extending the twilight of God’s goodness into the realm of my friends through actions like ... dropping a card in the mail with a lipstick kiss on the back or putting a pumpkin on someone’s front porch or making a simple phone call: “You’re the best.” After a while I thought, Well how fun is this! But soon I realized it was much more than a “fun little this.” God surprised me with a deeper meaning of this blessing idea.

To bless someone is to bring the Spirit of Christ into another’s atmosphere. Since our new natures in Christ indwell the Holy Spirit, we’re His PVC pipes that extend tangible expressions of the Father’s benevolence to others. Jesus’ feet aren’t on this earth. But ours are. As His conduits, (or little Blessers), when we extend acts of kindness in Jesus’ name, we drop the hidden purposes of God into that circumstance where we don’t know how He will use it. But this we know, it does not fall flat nor does its fruitfulness remain void.

So friend, who’s on your radar screen today? Go ahead. Drop your warm holy fuzzy right in the middle of their day. It’ll make their heart smile, put a new perspective in that moment, and remind them of their value. No wonder Jason came running back to the car with all his six-year-old might.

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