I’ve been thinking a lot about lifestyle lately. How much should we spend on our lifestyle? One of the things that should help us answer that question is to recognize that we are in a war — a spiritual war. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the powers, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
There has never been a war in all history with the stakes as high as our war. We’re fighting for where people will spend eternity: heaven or hell.
As Pastor John Piper observed: When America was fighting in World War II, everyone made sacrifices to contribute to the war effort. Gas was rationed, people planted victory gardens, tin kitchen utensils were donated to the armed services, people bought war bonds to help finance the war.
Americans learned to live on less and simplify their lifestyles so that those serving on the front lines would be adequately supplied. We also prayed — big time! Wives prayed their husband. Parents prayed sons and daughters.
Let’s pray and ask The Lord if He wants us to adjust our lifestyle spending so more resources will be available to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ to a dying world.
Written by Howard Dayton