Life can be difficult for many single moms. Yet God encouraged us with these words: John 17:33 – These things I have spoken to you that in ME you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.
Because Jesus is an overcomer and His spirit lives in us, we are overcomers, too. However, appropriating our victory as overcomers calls for more than sheer belief; it demands action on our part.
What does a “single mother overcomer” look like?
- She fetches. 2 Kings 6 tells a story of a group of monks that had a possession at their fingertips but it was not there’s until they took hold of it. Likewise, as single moms you have the victory as an overcomer, but you need to claim it as your own and activate it by faith. Yes, you are an overcomer.
- She fights. The Greek for overcomer means “to carry off the victory.” It implies a battle. Our walk with Christ is not a playground but a battleground. We determine beforehand to stand firm against the enemy – (Ephesians 6:10), speak with kingdom authority – (Luke 10), and exercise the word of our testimony – (Revelation 12:11). We have confidence in the fight knowing we are not going under. 1 John 4:4 guarantees – Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.
- She foresees. Exercising disciplined mentality affords courage in the middle of the battle. Every season is purposeful in the working of God’s plan in agreement with His will. Our Father continually conforms us to the image of His Son while accomplishing His earthly objective of getting us ready for future days of service. Some seasons offer us difficulty on all sides, yet accepting the strain is the first step to God’s peace. When we receive the strain with approval by accepting “what is,” He then gives us to the strength to overcome.
- She fears not. As a follower of Christ, we get so caught up in the “here and now” that we lose sight of the “there and later” – eternity. Keeping one eye on earthly matters and the other eye on eternal matters balances our perspective. Jesus warned that holding fast as an overcomer would not be easy. Yet in Him, we would endure to the end and His rewards would make it all worthwhile.
Blessings to you, dear single mom. Mandisa’s song Overcomer sums it up. You are an overcomer; so don’t give up, don’t give up. And remember – you’re not going under because God holds you.