We Can Walk Free from Fear

Today I invite you to pause for a moment and picture Jesus. As you do, note that envisioning Him as He was when He walked along the Sea of Galilee is not vast enough to capture who He is now.

The Son of God visited this earth as a man, stripped of His divine privileges. But He no longer walks the earth clothed in humanity, except in the form of His sons and daughters. He is seated on high, part of a wild, extravagant, heavenly pageantry—the very image of strength and splendor.

Lift your eyes and see Him resplendent in majesty. Allow His voice to stir something within you. As you do, know that God’s promises to the young Jeremiah are His promises to you, His fearless and prophetic child:

God told me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m only a boy.’ I’ll tell you where to go and you’ll go there. I’ll tell you what to say and you’ll say it. Don’t be afraid of a soul. I’ll be right there, looking after you.”
Jeremiah 1:7–8 The Message

In order to be effective with what God entrusts to you, you must be like Jeremiah, settled in the reality that He is right there with you. This postures you to not fear no matter what others say or do.

The journey through life is accompanied by many voices and influences. Some strengthen and undergird your direction; others sway and deter you from your path. Some voices spur you on to places yet unknown, and others hold you back. There are voices from your past—voices of family, voices of disappointment, and voices of fear—that intermittently yell and whisper, “Turn aside! Turn back. You might fail. You might get hurt.” These voices urge you to protect yourself.

But amid these negative, life-draining voices is the call of powerful, life-giving voices. The heavenly host who went before you call out through the scriptures, cheering you forward and onward, “Don’t listen to your fears or the terror of those around you. Don’t listen to the lies of your enemy who is condemned and tormented. Don’t be distracted. We need you! Stay your course and run your race!”

What is it that God has commissioned you to do? Have you accepted it, done it, or said it? Or did you respond, “I’m only…”?

Don’t fear that you won’t know what to do or what to say. Don’t fear how others may respond. God is with you! Humble yourself and walk with Him and He will lead you into all you were created to be.

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