Were You Born with a Bloom in Your Tummy?

I rolled up to pick up Logan in the car pool line… Just in time! His eyes met mine and he smiled expectantly. He opened the door and held his puppy valentine box he had handmade. His box was now full of sweet notes and cards from his classmates. He peeked in the front seat and saw his giant heart shaped cookie cake that said puppy love. He reached for his special build-a-bear box. Inside was a puppy that was stuffed and fluffed with lots of love along with a red heart that said one in a million. We drove and he excitedly told me about his daily adventures.

Then the question came… So mommy, how do babies get in tummies?

I paused and collected my thoughts. Said a prayer that God would give me the perfect words to say to my 6-year-old little boy. I had been waiting for the right time to tell him about the birds and bees (and the flowers and the trees...). I began by saying that babies come from heaven. God’s creation of animals and humans were made to give life. You know how chickens lay eggs, birds and ducks have eggs? Penguins have eggs?

Then we drove past some horses and explained to him that horses have an egg inside of them. Horses lay eggs? No son, the mommy horse has an egg inside of her, and at the right time it will be fertilized by the daddy horse and she will have a baby colt. The same thing happens with a mommy dog. She has an egg inside of her and at the right time the mommy will have puppies. He smiled big since puppies have been his favorite animal recently.

Mommies also have eggs inside of them, in their womb. When the time is right, God will make a baby inside of her. The egg is fertilized by the daddy, by his sperm, and then a baby is made. His little mind was processing and I asked if he had any questions? He thought for a moment and then asked the sweetest thing…

So, were you born with a bloom in your tummy?

I smile and look back at him with so much love in my heart and say Oh, son, you just melted my heart! He replied, But Mommy, I don’t even have any fire. I tell him sweetly… I love that you just called the womb... a bloom!!! He says, Mommy, write that down and call Gran. She will like to hear all about this bloom inside tummies.

His heart is now happy and content with his questions answered. Now that he knows babies come from heaven to earth in mommies blooms (womb).

I love the simplicity and symbolism of this. A bloom holds within it life, beauty, and a sweet fragrance that fills the room. Creation. Life is all around us. The air that we breathe, the birds that sing, the precious babies that are born.

A womb is a place where a child is conceived. A baby. A dream. A destiny. You were born with a bloom in your tummy. Embrace your bloom!

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