What a Wife Most Needs From Her Husband

Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting (Ephesians 5:25 msg).

Dr. James Dobson was asked, “Why are men so insensitive to women’s needs today?”

He answered, “I question whether men have really changed all that much. I doubt if men ever responded as women preferred. Did the farmer of a century ago come in from the fields to say, ‘Tell me how it went with the kids today’? No. He was as oblivious to his wife’s nature then as husbands are today.”

So men, if you’re struggling to meet your wife’s needs, here are a few tips:

  • Security—physically, financially and emotionally
  • Romantic love—who do you think buys all those romance novels and likes to watch chick flicks?
  • Understanding—this means listening more than telling her what to do
  • Reassurance—knowing that you think she’s beautiful, in a society of constant comparison
  • Spiritual leadership—not dictatorship, but servant leadership, as Christ provides for His church

A wife most needs love from her husband, and these are ways to show it.

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