What Are Dreams Made Of?

What makes you come alive? Some people don’t wait until the grave to die. Many people have hearts that have already been worn out on the inside. But there are those who push the limits and refuse to accept mediocrity, complacency, and apathy. There are people who not only write and speak beautifully but also live what they speak and live what they write.

They live out words so that life itself becomes beautiful and love is found. I want to live out my words. I want to live out the conqueror inside of me. What do you speak about all the time that needs to be lived out? You may talk about your passion in conversation, in prayer or in your thought life. Do you think it’s time to start living what you speak about?

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? In fact, what would you do if you knew you had to fail a few times before you succeeded? It’s impossible to go through life without some form of failure along the way. Failure is unavoidable and success is inevitable if you refuse to give up.

Maybe the reason many have yet to accept the callings or purposes within them is because they are scared or lack confidence.

Fear is a part of every person’s journey towards their passion. Refuse to let the fear consume you. Acknowledge your fears. Don’t succumb to them.

Don’t give your fear all the power. Fear is a bully you can’t help acknowledging or noticing. Nevertheless, one of the best things you can do to a bully is ignore them shortly after. Your fears are false evidence appearing real. Your faith is what deserves the power.

Tell yourself, “I am stronger than my fears.” When you know whose you are -- a daughter or son of Christ -- you can retrieve your confidence from Christ. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, made before the foundations of the earth and set apart to do good works that God has prepared in advance for you to do.

Be confident. God wouldn’t give you the ability if He didn’t think you were capable. God Himself anointed and equipped you for every task. You are capable because God is able. I would hate for you to reach the end of your life and try to begin something that should have been started a long time ago.

Some people think the best dreams are the ones we’ve already seen accomplished by athletes, Olympic medalists, doctors, teachers, musicians, and many others. Although successful people have been heroes to many and inspirational to all, I believe some of the greatest dreams are left at the grave site. Some of the greatest dreams were never lived out for fear of what others might think, for fear in their own hearts, lack of confidence or doubt.

I want to challenge you to be exactly who you are -- quirks, imperfections and all. God will even use your imperfections to move the hearts, minds, and souls of many and reveal His glory. Don’t let the imperfections stop you from your passion. Let your obstacles fuel you to reach higher and go harder for what you are most passionate about.

Many people in this world are “sleeping” every day. They go through the motions of each day without really asking questions about why they were put on this earth and what they were born for.

Wake up. You’ve been asleep for too long. This world needs you because everything in this life is connected. Every purpose is woven into other people’s purposes. That’s why chefs need restaurant owners, teachers need students, athletes need coaches, photographers need models, radio hosts need listeners, and the list goes on.

We all need each other. In a society where we celebrate independence, some dependence is necessary in order to move towards a mission that is bigger than yourself. We can do small things alone and we can do great things together. We need each other. We need a team.

So, what makes you come alive? What do you do that leaves you feeling more energized after you are done? And how can you pursue your goal while keeping others in mind, since every dream is a team effort?

Go into the world and be who you are, scars and all. The suffering will become part of your message when you reach your dream. Rest assured that nothing is wasted, not even your fears. God will use every bit of your story if you let Him. So, all the warriors out there- stand up and jump into your passion, your dream will catch you. Who you become on the way to the dream is most important to God, your character, your values, your virtue!

I warn you… don’t gain the world and lose your soul in the process. Many people reach their dream and by the time they receive it, they don’t know who they are and they have trouble enjoying the benefits of success. So, be the real you. Stop going through the motions and wake up. Stop making excuses and take your hand off the snooze button of your dreams! This world needs you!


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