What Counts?

...Keeping God’s commands is what counts (1 Corinthians 7:19).

What counts in the Kingdom of God? What counts most in the Kingdom is obeying King Jesus. He has all authority and power to do what’s right and just. He never rules unrighteously or unwisely, so wise are we to submit to His Lordship and His reign over our lives. The starting and ending point for a follower of Christ is to keep His commands. Obedience is evidence of our love for Him. Our spiritual linage is established by knowing and doing the Word of God. He counts!

Your life counts when you do what counts to Christ. Thus, when you invest time in prayer, you do what counts. When you hear, understand and apply Holy Scripture, you do what counts. When you help a helpless child, you do what counts. When you sacrifice for your family, you do what counts. When you work as unto the Lord, you do what counts. When you are grateful and generous, you do what counts. When you lovingly share the gospel of God, you do what counts!

Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother (Mark 3:35). 

What counts is not your denominational label, but who you are as a new creation in Christ. Institutions can expect more than is required by the Lord, so discern what He is saying before you add additional obligations. What counts is how your service for God flows from your devotion to God. Yes, your inner character development means much more than outward religious rituals. Do what counts to God and He will make your life count to the utmost. 

Do you feel your life counts for something significant? In Christ you are incredibly valuable! You count because you are counted among those called by God. You count because you are a new creation in Christ. You count because you are a daughter or son of your Heavenly Father. You count because you can count your many blessings. You count because Jesus died on the cross for your sins. You count because Christ is coming back for you to reign with Him in glory!

What counts is the new creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule (Galatians 6:15-16). 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, keep me focused on what counts to You, so I can count for You. 

Related Readings: Exodus 20:1-17; Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 11:28 


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