What God Wants You to Know

God wants you to remember this: “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9 NIV).

To get your allowance, you have to do chores. So I don’t blame you if you think that you might have to earn God’s love. God loves you because he is good, not because you are good. It’s by grace.

Satan tries to make you think that you are such a loser that Jesus couldn’t possibly love you and want to be with you. But Jesus does love you, and he died for you. You believe that he is the only way to heaven. You have been saved, through faith.

You can’t choose God, just the same way that dead people can’t choose to come alive. God chose to create faith in you because he loves you and loves to give you good gifts. This is not from yourselves; it is the gift of God.

You can’t work for your salvation; you can’t earn it by doing good things for other people. If you could, you might be tempted to take credit for it. God gets the glory. Not you. You’ve been saved, not by works, so you can’t brag that you earned anything. Instead, you can brag that God loves you!

Dear Lord, thank you for doing everything for me so I can be in heaven with you. Help me give you glory in all that I do. Amen.

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