What Happens When You Take A Wrong Turn?

I love the GPS system in my car. It’s an amazing piece of technology. I have even named that friendly voice “Ethel”. Ethel calmly directs my path and gets me to my final destination time and time again.

Yet, sometimes I choose not to follow Ethel’s directions thinking I know the best way to get me where I’m going.

When I do choose to go my own way, I hear Ethel calmly saying: “Recalculating.” She knows the end destination, and knows how to get me there. Even when I take a wrong turn.

In just a few seconds, she sets me on the right path once again. The thing about Ethel is that she doesn’t condemn me or berate me for choosing to go my own way. I’ve never heard her say things like: “How could you not follow my directions? What were you thinking? I refuse to give you any more help.” No, she quickly and calmly comes to my aid, and brings me safely to my final destination.

Believe it or not, this story is a great illustration of the Christian life. All of us from time to time choose to go our own way in life. We think we know what’s best for us and what will ultimately make us happy. So off we go down the wrong path. And Jesus goes right with us.

He doesn’t condemn us, or turn away from us. By grace, he moves us in the right direction. Even my wrong turns along the way do not keep Him from getting me to my final destination.

Because of the finished work of the cross, there is no condemnation for you under the New Covenant. Sometimes you will fail to heed the leading of the Holy Spirit and give in to the desires of the flesh. When you do, the Holy Spirit will renew your mind. He will remind you of His love and grace, and set you once again on the right path.

When you fail, as we all do, ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind and remind you of the gift of forgiveness. Remember this great truth – Your sins will not keep God from completing the work He began in you!

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).


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