What If God's Way Takes Too Long?

Has God given you a glimpse of where He’s leading you in life? Is there a dream or passion that looms large in your heart? If so, you know the challenge that follows this impartation of vision: as soon as we know a bit about where we’re going, we want to get there as quickly as possible. It can be tempting to try to rush God’s process. If you find yourself impatient with your journey today, I want to encourage you with this reminder: paths are not merely a means to an end.

Paths and journeys have purpose. And as we walk the way God lays out before us, our timing is important. It is dangerous to arrive without our character mature or intact, for character and strength are developed when we stay the course.

According to Psalms and Proverbs, there are only two paths in this life: one that ascends to light and life, and another that descends to darkness and death. And because God may lead us down paths that initially look long or difficult, we need His Word in order to work out our way.

Make no mistake: even though the enemy is not able to block your entrance into the way of salvation, he will work hard to get you off course. It’s the light of God’s Word that grants us discretion, keeping us away from the course of darkness and on the path of life.

Through the power of His Word, God makes a way where there seemed to be no way. He knows how to navigate the road-less wilderness in our lives! So if you are trying to find your path, wait on God’s instruction. Meditate on His Word and submit yourself to His leading. Then, follow His direction in both word and deed.

We can pray as David did:

Barricade the road that goes Nowhere;
grace me with your clear revelation.
I choose the true road to Somewhere,
I post your road signs at every curve and corner.
I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me;
God, don’t let me down!
I’ll run the course you lay out for me
if you’ll just show me how.
Psalm 119:29–32 The Message

This week, make this prayer your own. Invite God to direct your steps. Ask Him to keep you on—or steer you back to—the path He has for you. Ask for the discernment to perceive the way He has chosen for you, not merely the way that looks easiest or fastest. Stand firm in His Word and be encouraged, knowing that our Father makes a way for His children and that there is purpose in the journey!

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