What is Quiet about Time?

We live in a very busy, fast-paced time! Everything is instant gratification. I need this, and I need it now – not five minutes from now, but NOW!

What’s more, everything that has been promoted as saving us time has actually gobbled up more time that it has saved. Take email, for example. It was said to save us time in communicating with others. Initially, a reply was expected within 24 hours. Now, if you reply in 24 minutes, everyone wants to know why you didn’t reply sooner.

So with all that busy going on around us, how do we take time to spend time with God – quiet time?

Since I’m not a morning person, nor a fan of morning, I have found this especially difficult. My least favorite verse in the Bible is Mark 1:35 where it says, “While it was yet dark, Jesus got up from among them and went out and prayed.”

Could He not have waited until 10 a.m.???? I’m good at 10:30 p.m., but not so good at 6 a.m.

I’ve struggled off and on during my faith journey to have a consistent time with God in the morning. I know that it is always best to start the day with God. My day just goes better when I do.

What’s the Point?

Several years ago, I learned about the YouVersion Bible, and it has radically changed my time with the Lord – my quiet time - each day.

I read a book from the Old Testament and then one from the New Testament. So in my reading journey, I came to Leviticus, which I’ve read many times before and even taught the Precept Bible study on it.

This time, however, was different. As I read along, I kept wondering what the point was for me. I’m an American, the sacrificial system is gone, no Levitical priests, no clay pots to worry about, no bulls to sacrifice, etc. So what’s the point???

On my way to work, I asked the Lord that same question – “What’s the point???” I continued with “I would be a failure as a Jew. I’d never keep up with which thing to sacrifice – a bull, a sheep, a goat, two turtledoves or pigeons.” I’d be dead before I got started.

Then I realized what the point was for me when I said, “Everything was so precise!”

I serve a very precise God. He has given me a great plan for living effectively, enthusiastically and safely by following His plan for me. That doesn’t mean a sacrificial system – for Jesus is my sacrifice! That doesn’t mean clay pots, or animals or anything else. My God is looking out for me, for my well-being, for my life very precisely!

Life-Giving Words

We’re reminded “to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you--they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.” (Deuteronomy 32:46-47) Then Jesus said in John 6:63, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.”

So these words that I find in God’s Word are life giving. Whether I find them in Leviticus, Matthew, Genesis or Revelation, they are life!

Thank you, God, for loving me and giving me life through Your Word!!

Written by: Karen McGuire

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