What It Means to Be a Man

It’s not easy to be a man. Men face unique pressures and stereotypes in today’s world. There’s the clumsy, passive fool who does whatever other people tell him. Or, there’s the macho, arrogant jerk who does whatever he wants, with no thought to how his actions might impact someone else.

Is this really what it means to be a man? How can masculinity be defined?  Instead of looking to the examples we find in entertainment, let’s consider the truth of God’s Word.

  • Confidence, But Not Arrogance

Men should live in confidence, unafraid and unhindered by circumstances or what other people think. However, being confident isn’t based on our abilities, ideas or strengths. Our confidence comes from God, because He is the only one who won’t disappoint (Psalm 27:13, Isaiah 2:11).

  • Action Over Promises

Men, under promise and over deliver. Be sure to follow through on what you say, because action always beats intention (Matthew 21:28-32). People are watching to see if Christians keep their promises, so this is a great opportunity to show God is faithful by being men who keep our word.

  • Invest in the Church

Place yourself in honest relationships where you can get feedback on your life. One of the benefits of being involved in the church is the wisdom we can gain and share. The church is full of wise people who are further down the road than you, and there are people who still have yet to learn what you already have. We all need encouragement and correction to live an abundant life following Jesus (1 Timothy 5:1).

  • Be A Servant

If we look at Jesus as a role model for how to live as men, we are faced with a huge but important challenge. Jesus gave up His rights for the well-being of others, and calls His followers to do the same. Men should imitate Jesus by serving and helping others grow in their relationship with God (Ephesians 5:25-33).

  • Lead Yourself First

Many men want to be leaders, but leadership begins with yourself. Leaders must go first and set the example for others to follow. If you can’t practice discipline, wisdom, decision-making, and growth in your own life, how can you expect to help other people in these ways (1 Timothy 3:1-4)? We should not expect to see people following our leadership unless we are leading ourselves well.

What you do isn't who you are. Our actions show parts of who we are, but don’t fully determine it. Being a godly man is about more than just outward actions; it’s a matter of the heart as well.

Identity is not about what we've done or experienced, but who we're made to become – and we find that identity as we walk each step with Jesus.

Written by John Weirick

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