What Percentage of Your Income Should You Save?

Americans currently save an average of 4% of their annual income.  This is the lowest savings rate for any country in the developed world.  At a seminar I just completed, a participant asked me, “Well then, what is the right percentage of our income that we should be saving?” Glad you asked.

First, make a distinction between money that you want to save and money that you want to invest.  Savings should be money that is relatively safe, and can be accessed at any time a need arises.

It is important to save $1,000 and to keep that money on hand in an Emergency Savings Account that you do not spend unless absolutely necessary.  Next, keep saving until you have 3 to 6 months of your living expenses in this account.

After these savings goals have been met, you should save for major purchases and begin using those funds to invest.  Most people I talk to have a problem because they start investing money BEFORE they have adequate savings.  This means when an emergency arises there is normally a penalty to take money out of your retirement plans.  Think of the horse-and-cart analogy. The horse comes first.  It should be a regular savings habit sufficient to meet these two goals. The cart is the long-term investments that come later. 

The percentage you save is up to you as long as you are able to hit these minimum savings targets in a reasonable amount of time.  Once you have hit these targets, I think a regular habit of saving 5% of your income is appropriate.

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