What’s on Your List Today?

Parents often leave a list of things to do for kids to help around the house. In Titus 3:1,2 God gives you a list of things to do too, but these aren’t to earn points and get an allowance from God. This is simply a list you pitch in on because you are happy to be part of the family.

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities,

Don’t be the one encouraging kids to throw paper at the teacher or to make fun of them. Instead, respect your teachers and turn in your homework on time.

to be obedient,

Your parents make the rules. You don’t get to choose which ones to obey. Someday when you’re the adult, you’ll have to be obedient to your boss’ rules too. So practice now.

to be ready to do whatever is good,

Look for opportunities to pitch in. Hold the door open for the people behind you. Pick up trash on the street that isn’t yours. Help your classmates with their homework.

to slander no one,

Don’t gossip—even if it’s the truth. Don’t exaggerate your stories to make them sound better and to make the other person sound worse. Help your friends and your siblings have good reputations.

to be peaceable and considerate,

Open your eyes and look at other people. See how you can serve them. Is one kid being left out at recess? Invite her to play. Is there a new kid at school? Sit next to him at lunch.

and always to be gentle toward everyone (NIV).

There are plenty of kids ready to pick on others. Be different. Be the one who gets along with everyone.

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