I’m big on goals. I like to make them and accomplish them. I have learned that when I can define a goal, it’s easy to create a game plan to achieve it. If I want to lose weight, I define what’s involved in reaching the goal. If I want to start a business, I develop a plan, seek wise counsel, refine the plan, and then take action. When any goal is defined, it’s easier to accomplish.
There is one goal everyone wants to obtain: he or she wants to live a life that matters—a life of value. No one wants to die with regret. I am sure you feel the same.
Unfortunately, some people miss living a life of value because they have not defined this goal. It must be defined. Otherwise, one week, they may think living a life of value means saving their money to gift it to their grandchildren. The next, they may think it means attending college.
If you don’t have a solid sense of what it means to live a life of value, you may reach the finish line and realize that you have missed your goal because it wasn’t properly defined.
A Life of Value Defined
You don’t have to live being pushed and pulled by every new idea that comes your way; there is an answer for living a life of value. You can live with a solid sense of what it means to live a life of value, because God has clearly defined what it means in His Word. This means you can reach your goal.
A life of value is defined by those things that will make a difference in eternity. Nothing else will matter after you die. If it doesn’t make a difference in heaven, it’s not worth pursuing on earth. When you stand before Christ, He won’t ask you if you had a six-figure income because that has no value in heaven. He won’t ask you if you drove a hot car, or were an executive at your company, because those things won’t matter in heaven. He won’t ask you if you followed the latest fashions because after you die, it just won’t matter if you looked stylish.
Instead, He will want to know what’s in your eternal portfolio.
What’s in Your Portfolio?
Your eternal portfolio is a record that God is keeping of the things that you are doing that will matter in heaven. Everyone has an eternal portfolio. No one asks for it, and no one can give it away, but God assigns one to each person; He collects information about them every day. He is keeping track of all you do while you are on the earth for Him—not so He can punish you, so He can reward you. And when you get to heaven, He will reveal to you what is in your eternal portfolio so He can pay you back in love.
As you plan ahead, consider what will truly keep its value in eternity—and which things that you value today will become worthless. Also what things that seem worthless will be priceless?
The greatest commandment in the Bible is to love God with everything in us (Luke 10:27). That will clearly matter in heaven. Think about this: This means that all the ways that you love Him are being recorded in your eternal portfolio! Other things that are being added to your eternal portfolio include loving and serving others for the purpose of making disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).
So what can you do to cooperate with Christ to live a life of value? What can you do to demonstrate your love for Him, draw others close to Him, and influence them for His Kingdom? And what things are you currently doing that have absolutely no eternal value? If you made a list today of the things that are—and aren’t—adding to your eternal portfolio, how would it look?
I encourage you. Don’t live with regret. Instead, store up for yourself treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:20). You only have one life to live to make a difference for Christ and add to your eternal portfolio. Make every day count.