What’s Your Story?

Passages: Acts 21:17–22:30, Proverbs 26

As a Christ-follower, you will hopefully feel compelled to share your story of salvation, or testimony, with family, friends, and co-workers. God will use you to share with others the life-changing power of the gospel for all who believe. In Acts 22, Paul quickly shares a few details about his life before Christ, he talks about the moment that Jesus revealed Himself to Paul, and he sums up how God changed his life.

That’s really all a testimony is. It’s you sharing what God has done in your life. Perhaps you are discouraged as you read Paul’s testimony; in comparison, your testimony may seem boring, because it doesn't include murder, intrigue, blinding light, or the audible voice of Jesus. Don’t worry. Your story is not boring. Your life was so interesting to God that He sent His only son into the world to save you. Even if you accepted Jesus as a young child and never had a period of crazy living, the Bible says in Colossians 1 that you were “rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” So, thank God every day for His incredible salvation and then, take every opportunity to share with the world what He has done for you!

If you have trouble talking to others about Jesus, pray about it! Ask God to put someone in your path who needs life-change. Ask God to give you the courage to tell your story. Ask Him for boldness. Even Paul, one of the greatest missionaries and witnesses of all time, prayed for courage to share his faith. Remember, you don’t have to be eloquent or even educated. You just have to love people and know what Jesus has done for you!

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