"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving" (Colossians 3:23-24).
There are 24 hours in a day. Some days these hours feel like an instant, and some days they feel like a lifetime. The difference lies in the attitude of our hearts. There swings a daily pendulum between chaos and calm and we hold the key to our contentment. God has given us a new day as a gift and an opportunity to serve the Creator of this universe. He directs our paths in all we do, whether we are busy or bored. It is all in our focus and how committed we are to His plans, and not our own.
We are told in Colossians that whatever we do daily is to be done with the passion of pleasing the Lord, doing His work and serving Him. I am learning a lesson as I grow more deeply with Him. If my day seems to stall and not hold much for me in earthly contentment I try to consciously think about the things of God. I consider how God is at work all around me, and I know He wishes to involve me in His purposes. I create some quiet space where I posture myself to hear what He wishes for me to accomplish for that day alone. I try to adjust my attitude and heart around the important things of His kingdom, not the earthly things of my kingdom. I try to stay alert to people He has placed in my path for that moment in an effort to take advantage of any opportunity He has given me.
He has given us 24 hours a day but how much time do we give in return? What would our lives look like if we gave daily 1/10th of our time to the Lord like we do our tithe? What work could be accomplished in the spiritual lives of those around us if we used this tenth…2.4 hours… and gave it to the Lord? Tithing financially is only one offering to give the Kingdom of God. We can tithe with our time and our energy which will bring the kind of satisfaction and contentment this world cannot provide.
Whatever you do today, do it with a spiritual focus in view and recognize that our Father has deemed us worthy of another day. If we are not the hands and feet of Christ, than who is? In prayer today, ask the Lord to reveal where He is at work around you. Provide some extra time for listening, anticipating His invitation to join Him.
‘Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things’ Col 3:1-2.