What's a Single Mom to Do?

As a single mom of two little boys, I remember thinking more than once as I collapsed into bed, “Did I even brush my teeth today?” I don’t recall a more physically exhausting, worry-filled, second-guessing, constant-struggle time in my life than those years I spent as a single mom.

I greatly desired physical, emotional, and mental rest. By nature I am a worrier and a fixer. I found myself in a situation I had never planned to be in, couldn’t fix, and with lots to be worried about! Yet, I found peace, provision, hope, and joy that did more than sustain me when all else seemed to fail me in a real, daily run-to-Jesus relationship.

I’m not talking about going to church on Sundays (just to go) or following the rules of some religion that has never really changed your life. Trust me, I’ve been there, done that, and religion won’t keep you going. In fact, it may confuse you into thinking you already know Jesus when actually you just know about Him (and that simply isn’t enough).

When you know Jesus as Lord (boss) and Savior of your life, when you follow Him with everything you’ve got because you love Him and believe Him...it simply changes everything. Your circumstances may be hard; but there is peace, hope, and joy only in a real, daily run-to-Him (not the next guy that comes along) relationship with Jesus Christ.  

I found rest then, and I find it now in only one person--Jesus. He says, “Come to me and I will give you rest.” Real rest, “soul rest” is not rest like the world gives. It is a deep inner rest (a peace) that is not dependent on circumstances. “Soul rest” comes when you focus on the truth of Jesus Christ.

God says He will never leave you nor forsake you (Deut. 31:6) and He cannot lie (Num. 23:19). He says He is your strong tower (Ps. 61:3) and a very present help in times of trouble (Ps. 46:1)...and even single-mom-kinds of trouble! God says His plans for you (if He is Lord of your life) are exceedingly, abundantly good (Eph. 3:20). He says He will use even hard things for good if you will just stick close and obey Him (Rom. 8:28). God says He is strength and power to do what He has called you to do and to handle what comes into your life (2 Tim. 3:17). He even says you can ask Him to help you believe Him (Mark 9:24).

Let’s be real here. Life is hard, and life as a single mom is really hard. You have an enemy (Satan) who likes that you are having trouble, and he wants you to have a second helping. He knows you feel alone, and he wants you to be alone because it is easier for him to whisper his lies to you. He wants to convince you to stay away from other believers. After all, you’re tired and Sunday is a great day for a pajama day, right?

Satan certainly doesn’t want you to hear good Bible teaching and truth to refute his lies. He wants to defeat you, and (you better know) he has his sights set on your kids as well. But girl, you are not alone! The Most High God is with you. He cannot disown you or forget about you (2 Tim. 2:13). He is the perfect Father, and He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps. 50:10). His power has overcome the grave (Heb. 2:14), and He is so concerned with you that He has numbered every hair on your head (Matt. 10:30) and holds every tear you have ever cried in a bottle (Ps. 56:8). He is the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:22) who will right the wrongs and bring beauty from ashes (Isa. 61:3). He has prepared a place for His children, and His Name is Faithful and True (Rev. 19:11). 

So, what’s a single mom to do?

  • First, run to a real, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Second, seek Him daily through His Word and believe Him.
  • Third, don’t be a lone ranger listening to the lies of the enemy.

Surround yourself with truth through good Bible teaching and fellowship with other believers. Oh, and by the way, as a believer you are a vital part of the Body of Christ. God loves you so much. He has a role for you . . . and He won’t waste this pain you are going through. Give it to Him and watch Him use you to encourage someone else.

This post was written by Kim Jaggers.

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