What's Love Got to Do with It?

I grew up in an extremely loving family. I knew that my parents loved me and supported me and that they cared about me.

But I had a curfew in the evenings. And I couldn't get a tattoo. Piercings were restricted to my ears. And I couldn't date until well after most people could. I was expected to go to church on Sundays. And couldn't quit ballet even though everyone knew I would never be a ballerina. I had to do my homework and a handful of other chores.

I was given more than what I needed, but often didn't get a few things I wanted.

There were rules, and I had to abide by them. And there were times I was wrong and I heard about it. While there were other times I was sort of right, and I was instructed in it.

Just because I was loved didn't mean that I always got my way or that I was always praised and applauded.

See even as a child, I learned that true love cares more about truth than popularity and more about character than comfort.

Today's definition of love baffles me.

Today I'm told that true love accepts people exactly where they are and makes no demands of them.

I'm told that true love never disagrees, always condones, and is willing to compromise truth for personal freedom and comfort.

Today's definition of love is far different than the love that I grew up with. Which makes me wonder... who is right about love?

Or perhaps the question has more to do with how you define truth.

In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

So if Jesus is the truth, maybe the best place to start is in His Word when it comes to deciding about truth and love. So, let me give you a little assignment. Come up with a definition of love straight from God's Word. Where have you seen that kind of love demonstrated in your own life?

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