What's on Your Mind?

What you fill your mind with is up to you; it’s your choice. If you fill it with garbage, expect it to bring you to places of regret. Choose instead, the way of planting seeds for moral growth. Placing the seeds of character in your life will bring glory to God and help you focus on holy thoughts and practices.

Feeding our minds is not unlike food for the body. Eat junk all the time and we will soon have health problems. Reading rubbish, watching trash, listening to lewd music or keeping company with people who bring us down will impact our attitudes and behaviors. If you fill your mind with Scripture, noble literature, redeeming music, and works of art – you will have a focus of things that are positive and spiritual. Matters we allow our minds to dwell on will be exposed by the way we live. Our minds need wholesome exercise just like our body does. If you don’t feed your mind, likely it will atrophy just like any unused muscle.

To keep our body pure, to love and serve others and to have a spirit-filled life, one must guard what one puts into one’s mind and heart. We should focus on things that stretch our minds, improve our lives and relationships with others, and strengthen our relationship with Christ

Recommendation: Put Scripture into your thoughts and live by its teachings. This is accomplished by having a regular time of studying the Bible and having frequent conversations with God. A disciplined life of mental spiritual renewal is a life filled with rewards.
So, what’s on your mind?

“I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” Philippians 4:8 (The Message) 

Written by Willie McLaurin

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